quote:Originally posted by dear Inda:
Work is love made visible.
The jist is to enjoy one's work, this is a true gift.

But I think about how many can't afford even food because of jobs leaving, population growth, and cutbacks

quote:From: Bill Zielinski
True Unemployment Rate May Be Twice The Government Numbers
The official unemployment rate may also be dramatically inaccurate based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics method of calculation.
In a perfect world, what I call a "potentiated society," everyone could do what they love, for their job. In that case people would probably happily put in plenty of overtime, do extra projects and do a great job!
As it is, people complain a lot about their jobs, and that is ironic when you think of places where these jobs would be heavenly!

On the other hand, populations increase madly, prices go up astronomically, and the inequity between lowest and highest incomes is the greatest ever in history. Brittle situation.
Too bad there can't be lots of low-end jobs like picking fruit or cleaning up beaches or freeways to give people an income and perform useful tasks

Dearestest Sue, does this mean you will have lots of sweet smelling singers, dancers and flute players?
quote:And if there come the singers and the dancers and the flute players, - buy of their gifts also.
For they too are gatherers of fruit and frankincense, and that which they bring, though fashioned of dreams, is raiment and food for your soul.

Love and *LIGHT* *BEING*,