Liked the writing. I was thinking about you this morning dawning. Anyway I was directed to this book for a reading for you. Just happened to be a bookmark still in from years ago. So I'm hopin this reading fits you Now, I have no idea.
From the book: "Meister Eckhart, from Whom god Hid Nothing"
" I was asked this question: some people shun all company and like to be alone; their peace depends upon it. Would they not be better in the bosom of the church? I said no, and you shall see why. The righteous man is righteous still in any place and any company, and the unrighteous man is unrighteous still in every place and in all company. The righteous man truly has God in him. But one who truly has God will have him in all places, in the street and in the world no less than in the church, in the dessert or the cell. If he has gotten him indeed and gotten him cause having gotten God alone, he is ever bearing God alone in mind, is pregnant with God in all his acts as well as in all places, and all his works are being done by God....
So far if we give our whole mind to God, then it is he in fact who is doing all our works, and nothing whatever can disturb the man who minds nothing, seeks nothing, relishes nothing but God, for God is united with this man in all his thoughts, and as God is not disturbed by any multiplicity, so nothing can disturb or diversify this man who is one in THE ONE where all mutiplicity is one and homogeneous...."
[Meister Eckart (1260-1327) was a German Dominican priest whose preaching was immensely popular in his own time and whose writings form a huge part of the foundation of the Western mystical tradition. Though he was condemned and excommunicated by the Catholic Church at the end of his life, his influence on seekers from a range of spiritual traditions has remained strong to this day.]

Love to You, SeaAira