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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Imprinted in snow"

imprinted in snow

Cold thin air and self-conscious laughter
left us breathless and with hurting chests
as we conquered the quiet top of the hill
hand in hand exchanging energy waves

our footprint designs revealing to the skies
our secret intentions, dreams and desires
playing hide and seek on the virgin lawn
the white blanket reverberating in our eyes

inhaling our love vapors and exhaling sighs
lips seeking to seal to keep treasured within
the sweet flow of hush-hush words of lovers
to stumble over in mind blowing emotion

landing tightly entwined upon the softness
of the glistening queen size snow flake bed
where we quenched our thirst at love’s fountain
surrounded by the glow of purity and innocence

we melted into each other and left for the stars
on shuttles of ice traveling at light speed
to revive the divine connection of our souls
while our bodies remained imprinted in snow

waiting to be awakened from dream slumber
by the warm and loving touch of dawn.




We have a lot of snow here at the moment. This beautiful poem describes it all in its beauty.

Remembering Margherita

Last edited by yoko
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