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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Importaqnce of Bees"

Thank you Margherita, Gisele and Sue.

Thank you for the websites.

Here is another website dealing with the diminishing
bee population in France

The history of bees runs parallel to that of mankind. Since the dawn of humanity, man has prized honey. Today, this nectar has become rare, because the bees are not well.
In France over the past thirty years, the bee population has been diminishing and becoming increasingly fragile. The blame can be placed squarely on man’s shoulders: the industrial exploitation of nature, the excessive addition of chemicals to produce better quality honey in greater quantities. The quest for more has backfired.

Once again, an ecosystem is in danger. It is not only the bee but the whole complementary chain linking animal to plant life that has been disrupted. No bees means no pollinisation, which means the disappearance of certain plant species, which in turn means the disappearance of certain animal species…


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  • bee
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