Born we are to live and tell Our faces, canvas for days to come Each line a stroke where will dwell Remains of stories, secret to none How can one hide time's passing? Some play along with Mr. Dollar! Life relentlessly drawing Defies the will of all erasers On and on her creating Is fueled by strong human emotions Hopes, desires, our thinking... Sources true of her inspiration! |
Awesome Starry Sky!
This is beautiful dear Sylvie!

I especially like:
Life relentlessly drawing Defies the will of all erasers |
Relent not, oh loved Life!
I love how you weave many ideas and issues, and your own artistic rendition of it all! Paint a smile on you, may I? he he..

You bring out the poet in me (or the nut!)... Thanks for sharing this word / life / painting with us all. Hugs and kisses! XOXOXO

Love and light being, Teo