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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

His Gift of Love

The world is lit up by a heavenly light
a star and a child radiate divine love
dissolving the darkness of the holy night
diffusing a message of Hope from Above.

In amazement and joy we go back in time
to mingle with all the shepherds and the kings
to listen to the magical sacred chime
that showers humankind with untold blessings.

Immense tenderness floods our one heart and soul
we contemplate Jesus in adoration
pondering the significance of His role
in awe of the upcoming transformation.

Here we stand and identify with His heart
our spirit expands in His cosmic embrace
of our lives Jesus will forever be part
creating a deep bond beyond time and space.

We have come to renew our faith and our hope
for this world cries out for peace and harmony
always with Jesus we shall know how to cope
and find a way to stop our Earth’s agony.

For the gift of You, sweet Beloved, we give grace
joining hands with all the people of the world
singing together our song of joy and praise
happy to know that our voices will be heard.

* * *

Join the song, my friends. Merry Christmas!
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