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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Heptaparaparshinokh=sacred law of sevenfoldness

All And Everything Series book 3 Gurdjieff page 49
...all the cosmoses of various scales as well as each of the seven independent parts of the manifestations of these cosmoses are in almost all respects similar to the Megalocosmos; and in each of them the sevenfold sources of vibrations have the same reciprocal actions as proceed in the Megalocosmos; and therefore, if you have understood the laws of vibrations for any one center of gravity, it is possible for you to have an approximate understanding of these laws for all centers of gravity, if of course you take into account their difference of scale.

I repeat, if the strings of this piano are tuned correctly, and the required vibrations are evoked in the corresponding strings, the resulting vibrations are evoked in the corresponding strings, the resulting blending of vibrations coincides almost exactly, even mathematically, with the law-conformable totality of vibrations of the substances issuing from corresponding cosmic sources, according to the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh.

On this piano the vibrations of each 'whole tone' and of each 'half tone' of any octave pass from one to another strictly according to the law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and thus their vibrations, as occurs always and everywhere in the Universe, mutually help one another to evolve or involve.

I am so pleased! This is pretty much what I have believed all along, the sacred law of seven is or can be overlayed on the piano, using resolving chord progressions to in effect "resolve tensions" in other places.

To share my current work that is to "mutually help one another to evolve or involve:"

From a video clip of mine you know I believe "The Lydian scale raises the Heart Chakra," well that system has the root chakra on "C," using the major scale. Now I am researching: Isn't the first letter A? Good old "La?" This makes the chakras:

La=A=Muludhara=Earth=Basic Survival (sound=LAM)
Ti (Si in Europe) =B=Svadhisthana=Water=Reproduction (sound=VAM)
Do=C=Manipura=Fire=Gut Feelings (sound=RAM)
Re=D=Anahata=Air=Heart, bigender, apex (sound=YAM)
Mi=E=Vishoodha=Ether=Throat, communication (sound=HAM)
Fa=F=Ajna=Sound=Third eye, insight (sound=OM)
So=G=Sahasrara=Thought=Crown, atman-brahma all knowingness (sound=mm.. or silence)

This has sol = the crown, like the soul? eh? The la of A is syncrodestinied with the sanscret name / sound lam! Another current project: all 7 note scales have 2 1/2 tone notes in them, in the major scale 3-4 and 7-8 are 1/2 steps. In the Harmonic Minor there are 3! 2-3, 5-6 and 7-8! It also sounds sooo like ancient and soulful, with the "Flamenco Phrygian" chords in there with the "V - VI" dissonance, being "E" to "F" which is what the guitarists play, that being from the throat chakra to the third eye, back and forth..

So we'll resolve through all 3 half tones in this bizarre scale, a-bc-d-ef-g#a, and in balancing and making peace with these 3 "pushes" through from octave to octave, we shall also tune up our universe, tuning up the microcosm tunes up the macrocosm. Yay! We are on the way!

May we all harmonize and resonate peace joy and love allowing peaceful resolutions and well arranged movements. Amen.

Love n light, Teo Book Book Army Asian Ying Idea egypt moust

Teo's presents: Givnology forums, tradigital music, Third Millennium Thinking, new media

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