quote:Originally posted by yogionefromobie:
Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved.
Happy Valentine's Day
You SAID IT brother! Funny how we think we know what we love.. I spent all day "fixing" Givnology - the attachments, and then a gazillion other things.. and I DO love my propellor spinning on my nerd beany.. but I'm not giving my computer any flowers! he he..

Neat story Nick. Glad 1)you have them, 2)these forums let you share them and 3)you do.
Boy I used to love those Xena shows!

Speaking of retreading super heroes, Hercules' lead, Kevin Sorbo, went on and runs a spaceship in "Andromeda" a show that is, again, cornily over-violent, but sometimes has interesting twists, a recent one a guy escapes a pyramid shaped spaceship, and is a poet! Reads the classics "word by word instead of downloading the data" hah! Some thinks never change, thank goodness.. and we have the new "classic prose" area in our techno-treehouse here.. ready to digitize the Dalai Lama, Ramakrishna and other sacred authors...
I think rambling on is also one of my loves, and hey, I just freed 50MB of space on Givnology today.. so now we have even more freedom to blab incessantly.. it's not a requirement, but is a freedom we share.. joy.. uh oh, company just arrived..
love peace and chicken grease, Teo

ps what (DEAR!) InfoPop often does, is slip an "upgrade" on you (the admin of a board) and you have to "massage it back to health." Well there are actually NOW improvements, though my Mac doesn't see every attachment.. and I just learned something while swiping your new "avatar" or icon Nick, I guess so that other people don't "cross-link" to our avatars, they don't have ANY extension like .gif or .jpg.. of course I DID swipe yours (aye bucko!) and I'm attaching it here, since you seem to like to change your "reference points" and give us a different view of you on a regular basis.. I liked the one with the bass, and the "impressionist" one.. aaahh Teo can upload a cutie and it's OK.. he he..