This is being a quiet one. I'm glad I "got out of my system" what InfoPop's Eve is doing to communities, you all are nice, and things will get moving FORWARD again (like sharing how to put music in posts, images behind text in posts, make a post go to another place after a certain time, the new chat and picture galleries) once we are on SOLID FOUNDATION.. I've been having to do a lot of fix-up you know? And in MY new web browser, they made me get Mozilla instead of MS Internut Exploder, which.. well.. the music doesn't play in THIS browser.. I think it was a MS thing.. so perhaps back to the drawing board on having music / sound embedded.. wah wah

Also: have you all seen that the Levels Seven page is now linked from all pages? Have you all seen the CareWare page? No. A black hole of work is going into this.. never ending!!! Then, I made the colors like TOO orangey, gotta find the backup of styles before Eve and make some fixes..
Meanwhile, yea great birthday fun: write my appleal to get an extension on my UI.. fun.. think i needa go 2 lake 4 second.. see my "Worry Wart Remover Tree" friend.. yea..
Consolidating all my debts, getting ready for a move, finishing the video in the music page, sending out resumes, and the bikers downstairs are keeping people up: Sunday 3:15AM vrooming and loudly barreling down the street. 3:15! needa go lake.. needa go lake..
Thanks for all of your well wishes! So much love and light send to you all, Teo