Here is my birthday fun: Does InfoPop support computers or only latest models? You have to look at this discussion:
Which set me to InfoPop support forums, and I just left 3 posts there, giving them the HOW -
It is simple. There was always what are called 2.x templates, that worked on ANY computer. Now even those are gone, see? They threw out the low level browser, those mean guys.. so I told them how to fix their programming, and I'm serious, I gave them the answer. I may have fixed InfoPop's problem for them! Wish me luck.
Meanwhile I'm enjoying the bizarreness of the new features, they are cool and I was thinking I wouldn't mind chatting with you you know.. look at the attachment. Their program still had a bug - see the site in the sub window? he he.. but the features look neato eh?
How should I feel about InfoPop... or that woman Eve!! he he..
Love n lightbeings, Teo

Originally posted by Margherita:
May all your intentions and dreams manifest during this new year of life!
Enjoy this special day and let all the love being sent out to you permeate your whole being and then store it in your heart.
May abundant Divine blessings shower you!
I am grateful for you, for the energy and love you emanate, for your wisdom and for your art, musician of my heart!
I love you.
Margherita dpm