Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Dear Inda, thank you for this inspiring thread about Goddesses .... so very fascinating. And I just could not resist thinking of the Goddess of Love Venus, the Roman name for the Greek Goddess Aphrodite.
"Venus The Roman Goddess Of Love,
also known as Aphrodite in Greek Mythology.
Venus was born of the Sea and the Sky. She was honored as the Mother of the Roman people.
Julius Caesar was said to have linked his lineage to Venus.
Her mortal born son was Aeneas. Aeneas was the founder of the
great city of Rome. There are still shrines to Venus
existing in the Mediterranean Region to this day.
Each year the city of Venice, named for Venus, celebrates the
marriage of their city to Venus.
Venus serves as inspiration to many great works of art,
including the statue of Venus De Milo in the Louvre and the
great painting The Birth of Venus, by Botticelli.
It is the Goddess Venus who inspires people to love one another
and to celebrate the rites of Marriage.
She is also associated with the rites of Spring and Fertility.
Though there are many other great Goddesses associated with
Love, Venus reigns as the supreme Goddess Of Love.
With her exquisite features and pleasant smile she attracted many suitors, gods and mortals alike.
However, she was married to the graceless and lame Vulcan, the god of fire. Her true love was Mars , the god of war. Their child was the beautiful goddess Harmonia.
One day while Venus and Mars were together they were caught in an invisible but strong net forged by Vulcan, and exposed to the ridicule and laughter of the other gods at Mt. Olympus."
Love to all. Margherita

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita