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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Full awareness in order to meditate"

The issue of applying awareness to daily life is more a matter of how aware we are than what the choreography of our karma may provide. Both are intertwined.

Teo and I were just discussing the fact that there are a number of different Yogas that one can associate with different chakras, harmonics, etcetera. Can we not have Bhakti in our hearts Shakti in our words and point of view, and Samadhi in the crowns of our heads? Can we let those pure energies distill and purify our animal natures through the more grounding karma yogas?

The irony of self awareness, is that if one approaches it from the perspective like Buddhists that the "self" is not real, one still has awareness of the moment and the dance of life without having to have a sense of self.

Dhiravamsa's comment that the word "alone" is a contraction of "all" and "one" always fit in very harmoniously with that notion that one can practice Vipassana Meditation (literally "passive watchfullness") without having to define or actively analyze ourselves adding to the noise of the already existing internal dialogue that gives us a sense of our "self."

The cycle of the breath is always underneath all the noise of our thoughts and analysis of what we perceive as our "self."

The greatest self awareness occurs when there is no notion of self or need to analyze it. Silence is the golden key by which the doors to creation are unlocked. A studied musician like Teo can tell you that the rests and silences are as important as the notes.

I figured I'd add a few notes of my own for Chinese New Year.

Happy New Year.

I understand that the celebration goes on for about 10 days in this year of slightly late celebration. Gong Hey fat Choi.

Nick (Gung Ho Fat Boy) and his cat.

Happy Rooster! Cockadoodle doo!
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