quote:Originally posted by Lynette:
Have you been in a fire
that burns away all your issues of pride
until only your soul remains
and you realize
you are proud of yourself?
Have you been in a fire
that burns away all your dreams
until only your soul remains
and you realize
you cannot stop dreaming?
Have you been in a fire
that burns away everything you loved
until only your soul remains
and you realize
you still love?
Have you been in a fire
that burns away your soul
until nothing remains
amd you realize
you are burning?
Have you been in the fire
of your own soul
until everything you touch burns
and you realize
it cannot be extinguished?
If you have
you have found your dream.
Wow. Hot stuff. Scorching!

Lynette, are you a fire sign?
This topic brings up so many ideas in my little fire-sign head..

I have a theory, that "the soul" doesn't mind what we call pain. It is just experience to it. Of course we aren't at all amuzed by it. But like pottery needs to be kilned, and steel needs to be tempered, we often find ourselves trying to see past the flames...

Now that you remind me dear Lynettengale, I used to be a pyromaniac. I let my water signs take over a little more and now I'm just steamy.. he he..

I like to meditate and stare into a fire or flame. I remember one of my favorite prayers I made was "Burning away ignorance..." ... I'll find my Agni image and info later.. nuff said..
Love and bright burning light being, Teo