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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Eyes locked

Artist: Mary Cassat

Eyes locked

Tender little bundle of love
cradled in my welcoming arms,
what do you see behind
your closed eyelids
while navigating
a world of your own?
Are you visiting places
you have been in the time
beyond time, before
you were born?

Are you sitting with
the Little Prince
on his tiny planet
listening to lessons of beauty
while watching dazzling sunsets?

Are the Angels whispering
sweet secrets into your ears?
Are they plucking the stars
to let them shine in your heart?
Are they dancing with you
across a golden meadow
into skies of blue?

Will I ever know?

Suddenly you come back
from those far away shores,
showing awareness of me,
your eyes locked into mine.
Sweet adorable little baby
you take my breath away
with the light you emanate
and my heart misses a beat.

For an eternal moment
we gaze at each other
and there is a flow of
something so beautiful,
something immeasurable,
something sacred,
between you and me.
Essence of Love moves
from soul to soul
like a gentle breeze
in an unforgettable touch
of infinite sweetness.

You have answered
my questions, yes,
and even though
I can’t put this
overwhelming truth
into adequate words,
nonetheless I know.

Keep your eyes locked
into mine, little Angel,
and never stop
to touch my heart
with your magical
song of love.

Love, Margherita Smile
Original Post
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