quote:Originally posted by dear losgann:
...As I enjoy these little morning walks, I see things I never saw before. Mushrooms with bright orange caps (highly poisonous I'm sure, but quite beautiful in the grass) grape vines climbing through the trees, a wild rosebush with rose hips ripening, violets growing up in the shade. But even more than the individual things I have seen, I've come to realize that each part of the yard around the apartment building has a distinct personality and to alter the direction of my walk to suit my mood. I've lived here for three years and never knew these things...

Beautiful story Susan

Strange how we HAVE TO MAKE THE TIME to see what is right in front of us already sometimes!

I'm glad for every second of reading your wonderful story though!

Thanks for taking the time to share!

Love and *LIGHT* *BEING* , Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, So, LaaAAAA!!!!)