Correct: I did succeed in 1) putting COPYRIGHTS and ARTIST "tags" into the files, in the artist tag I put the keyboard I used, the sequencing (recording) software, of course my name, and a link to Givnology. In the CopyRight tag I put the artists full name, opus number of the song, and sometimes who the song was written to or something halfways pertinent. It can be deleted by a crook, but isn't that just like just about everything we "carefully place" on the internet?quote:Originally posted by dear yogionefromobie:
As you know, I'm with you on the notion that midi which can be written in real time by playing into a sequencer is a performance medium and that one ought to be able to claim some rights to midi files. Whether this is impossible by design has yet to be proven. I know when I download them I do get the authoring information if I go to "get info." Good show. Whoever gets these should see there is a record of who created them.
Even without that, these files you have shared with us certainly have the author's signature on them simply because the style is unique and the playing is recognizable to anyone who knows this artist's work. It's better, obviously, that you were able to write in the credits.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the server logs, the history of what files were on what servers at what time is 1/2 of a copyright - a proof of ownership at least! I'm making a new copyright submission for all of my new material anyway, most all of my older songs and recording are secured.

Notice though, another post on Eric Satie, some of his music is distributed completely free to copy! Amazing, and I really like some of his music! It feels strange, one site gives 1/2 of a page free, another 2 pages, and another - after searching and searching - the whole 6 pages! What do you think of that? I wonder, if I link to ALL of the above sources, maybe I'm not being nice to the PAY ones, because I'm showing that somewhere else it is free! Nutty, eh?

The link of this post:
has been updated, and has 66 songs! I have now included 2 of my own originals as "Classical Music," here:
the later one is funny, it's a devotional song to the ocean goddess Yemaya, redone as piano solo, but the NAME The See comes from Seer-Seeing-Seen of Buddhism, and strangely it is references as Buddhist, though it is also Yoruba (the Nigerian Orisha religion)!
If you have a super-duper high speed, there is another version of the continuous play channels with Inda's paintings!
This last link and all it's files are on a new CD I'm making, so on the CD all the large graphics don't take any loading time. I may put the whole thing into a zip file/folder so that people can download the whole thing, who nose?!? Meanwhile, enjoy!
Love and light beams, Teo Do (re, mi, fa, so, laaaAAA!!!....)