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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Empty and Full, from Lao Tzu's teachings"

I am still enjoying this post a few years later. Thank you Teo.

The Flow of the Tao: Empty and Full

Thirty spokes join at one hub,
Yet it is the emptiness inside the hub that makes the vehicle useful;
Clay is molded into a vessel,
Yet it is the hollowness that makes the vessel useful;
Windows and doors are cut out,
Yet it is their emtpy space that makes the room usable.
So, any having makes for excess,
Any not-having makes for usefulness.

Since the Tao is all-pervading, it fills every corner at all times. Yet it occupies no space, holds no form. It is like the hollowness that makes the vessel useful even though the vessel is molded and colored. It is like the empty space that makes the room useful even though it is framed with windows, doors, and walls. This Tao is also like the water flowing in the river, creating both the river flow and carving the river banks. It embraces both the mountain peaks and the ocean floor. The flow of the river energizes and facilitates all things existing on either side by providing the power of not-having, not occupying, and not-attaching. -Secret Teachings of the Tao Te Ching, Mantak Chia & Tao Huang

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