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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Embedding YOUTUBE and MPG videos right into posts!

Hi all,

Magle set up the ability to include youtube videos in discussions in their Magle Music forums. Nice! Borrowing their idea, I found out we CAN here too! See: topic

InfoPop helped here: topic

But I wanted to include, or "embed" our mpg videos - mpg stands for Motion Picture (Engineers) Group, the technicians' standard, why not follow that hum? I got it to work! Only in the music forums, but that's fine.

You can always click the quote icon and it'll show the code used, so you can see how someone embedded or whatever they did!

youtube files load the first screen immediately, but if it's inching along it is terrible! mpgs don't start as fast, but once they start, you can back up and hear 5 seconds, then 10, etc. Enjoy!

The first is a short point and grin in MPG format, the second is from YOUTUBE, Liberace playing Chopin! Applause

Love and LIGHT BEING, Teom Colors Colors

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

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