Long faded from the earthly memory now,
When soul encircled soul among the smiling roses,
As vesper sunbeams bathed your virgin brow.
One hour which reached the crest of every rapture,
In which Life's sea had wearied of every storm,
When breathed the very essence of your virgin passion,
From out the halo of your hallowed form.
All words were mute-the soul had met the spirit,
I pressed no kiss but wrapt my life in yours,
And soul with soul we broke the bonds of flesh asunder,
The hour ended-but Life endures.
You faded from my world, yet never music
Sighed in my soul as in that moment fleet,
Though passions bloomed and withered yet my self lived only
Before the fragrance of your Lotus-feet.
And now those Lotus-arms of love extending,
Uplift my soul aspiring unto you,
And to the bliss of one forgotten earthly moment,
In which each soul each other's spirit knew.
All else is paled, we only live that moment,
Expanded now into Eternity.
Upon the sacred mirror of the Spirit graven
One moment's life is endless ecstasy.
[I]Cyril Scott[/