Drawn to you
Incited by your whispers
blown like petals all over
the empty garden of my heart,
unable to resist your gaze
squeezing every inch of my flesh
achingly caressing my very core,
driven by the urgency
of this untamed desire
I fell into oblivion of self
and followed you
helplessly drawn to you.
You knew a place under the sky
where only Angels were allowed.
Embedded in fragrant flowers
we remembered our innocence
and dared to be what we truly are:
winged beings of divine essence.
No sugar and no honey
compare to the sweetness
of harvesting eagerly
each other’s ripe fruits
abundant in their variety
and offered in total abandon.
Did Nature record our love song
rising from the depth of our souls?
Did you see the treetops sway
to the rhythm of our breath?
Did you hear the birds sharing
in the concert of our heartbeats?
Did you notice the gathering
of butterflies and buzzing bees?
When Love is lived like this
the sun and the moon bow
to the lovers lost in each other,
aware of their pure beauty.
Satisfaction and gratitude
vibrate throughout every cell.
Do you see now to what extent
I am drawn to you?
Only Angels are allowed
to enter this secret place …
Have you heard the rustling
of their silver wings
amidst smiling flowers
and giggling blades of grass?
And did you notice the ladybugs
bathing in the droplets
glistening all over my skin?
Yes, I am …
drawn to you.