My mind is filled with too many ways that I want to answer this!

I guess firstly I have to agree that we have too much.
quote:Originally posted by dear Inda:
Thank you for the wisdom yoko.
You and Margherita are right, we have too many things. We need to clear the clutter so that we can feel at peace.
It's like you have a favorite favorite album. Then people give you albums, you buy a bunch, your room is full of albums! Then when you remember your favorite one.. can you even find it?
Sometimes having so much actually means you don't have the special things!

Secondly, I love the title: "Dharma-the virtuous path". Beautiful! Sadly, I'll bet if you ask what "virtuous" means to youth today they'll tell you it means something in "virtual reality," which is not a virtuous reality at all!
Thirdly, I think of Dharma as the true path that one is on. In other words, if an accountant tried to be a singer, maybe that's not the best fit. People usually want to run off and do what feels good though, not be virtuous. I hope that President Barack Obama is a good example of being virtuous to people - especially black youth. Initially he was asking them all to take part in helping America. That was one of the greatest things I had ever heard any president say.
Your bringing this topic up gives us a chance to see what might be done. I have to agree with dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita) that we'll have to find peace within before we can create a more peaceful world.
quote:Indeed, I believe that we can't evolve and create a world of love and peace and joy, unless we begin to change and to gain this inner consciousness and peace, which is rooted in God.
as Pandit Rajmani Tigumait said:
quote:If we create a virtuous mind and fill this world with the virtues of love and compassion, these great incarnations will will walk into our lives while we are here on earth, and we will be the recipients of their loving grace.
It all begins with the recognition of our personal dharma and the determination to practice it in our daily life.
Those who are plugged into the box - watch TV - and it's advertisements - regularly, I don't know if they can ever have a virtuous mind, or recognize their personal dharma - unless TV tells them to!
But I will join you in hoping that we can quiet our minds, find our inner selves as you said, or "...awaken myself to this deep stillness within my heart." as you quoted of Dr. Deepak Chopra.
May we realize that we already have enough, find our inner peace and compassion, and fill this world with the virtues of love and compassion. Amen. And so it is. Ashé. Aho.

Himalayan Institute
Love and light being, Teo