Especially considering Inda's point!

quote:Originally posted by dear Sue 1:
The concept of wealth is relative and not only varies between societies, but will often vary between different sections or regions in the same society.
Well said! ... Weal said? he he.. another approach from http://givnology.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/26060593/m/418103232
quote:If the energies you are wishing to attract are of a financial nature? Remember! Money is also simply a form of energy. Do not place specific amounts. Simply make a statement on what it is you require and allow your higher (partner) self to find the best way to create that for you, all in accordance with your own divine plan/contract. You might be surprised at the way the manifestations take place. It might not be in the form of money. Having said that, know and trust that the manifestations "WILL" take place.

OK! Enough money!!