Thank you girls for your kind words. I love this especially because the Matterhorn is one of my favorite Swiss mountains and I have been there (not on the top!!! ... but still I reached 3.300 meters, after that point one cannot continue without ropes).
Dear Lilie, Teo has explained the process and supplied us with the code to reach these results on his post "How to put texts on images" in the Beta Testing forum and also on my post "When I close my eyes". And I believe also on Tim's poem there are further explanations. I must admit I have edited this one several times, because I did not immediately get the right size, color of text and size of text. I just tried again and again. But I love the result. Of course it is important that you save the long code somewhere, where you have to insert your own chosen image and the text.
Thank you dear Teo for teaching us!
Love and hugs. Have a wonderful Sunday all.