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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Reply to "Dante Alighieri"

E quando trova alcun che degno sia
di veder lei. quei prova sua vertute,
ché li avvien, ciò che li dona, in salute,
e sì l'umilia ch'ogni offesa oblia.
Ancor l'ha Dio per maggior grazia dato
che non pò mal finir chi l'ha parlato.
[Donne ch'avete intelletto d'amore, 37-42, VN 19.10]

And when she finds one who is worthy to behold her, he feels her power, for what she bestows on him is restorative, and humbles him, so that he forgets any injury. Moreover God has made the power of her grace even greater, for no one who has spoken with her can come to a bad end.

FrFrom the same website as above
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