I want to share a healthy attitude that a friend has, that is really great.
This friends destroys emails like THE TERMINATOR and then later goes into "deleted mail" if there is something useful. One time they were checking answering machine messages, accidentlly pressed the wrong button, lost them all, and said "oh well, they probably weren't important anyway!"
Maybe sometimes I create worrification for nothing, but instead of looking at every email I get and being angry at all the spamming nonsense, geepers! That friend truly has "mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter" down to a fine art!
Like the phrase "shoot first, ask questions later" which is rediculous, well un-politically-correct for sure!

I told that friend that my Grandmother Eugenia Hickman had a phrase "cain't be bothered" that was basically the same thing. Why worry about some nonsense? Nowadays I just laugh at the rediculous (and putrid spelling!) email harassment that I get, and figure, if this is the big calamity in my life, it's not all that bad!

And if it is important, they'll call back! It's sort of like a sanity shield. I just wanted to share this unbotherability skill my friend has with you all.
May we be bother-free, and if bothered, laugh at the insignifigance of it all!
Love and light being, Teo

OK maybe we don't want to go that far!