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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Benefits of Avocado"

I'd better use this Haas Avocado which was the model for this photo. I have some fresh salsa.

Can we do sunflower seeds next? There is another miracle food, high in vitamin E, and also selenium.

The bulk number for them where I shop is 2523 which was the end of my old nine digit zip. That reminds me, I will check on mail for someone I know next time I cross the lake.

In Santa Barbara when I lived there years ago, people were always giving us free avocados. I liked Santa Barbara for that alone.

If you throw a pumpkin in the air and let it drop it comes down squash.

If you know what you're doing with an avocado it can come out guacamole!

Ay! Carrumba!


Images (1)
  • Ah,-Avocado
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