So beautiful dearestest dpm (Dancing Pearly Margherita)!!!

quote: Originally posted by dear Margherita:
Beloved Archangel Michael, bringer of Light!
You flash your sword of light early in the morn to give the world your caress of benevolence blessing all the creatures that breathe in God. Even the blades of grass hold still to your touch so that each dewdrop is given its moment of glory, reverberating the sparks of your divine essence all over the martyred saint’s skin of Mother Earth and high up into its injured wrap of atmosphere.
The individual human heart is your favorite target, to elicit the tunes of love embedded since forever within the secret folds of its inner virgin gardens. You place your wisdom flashes into blank minds, which stray unaware through the heavy mists of life, waiting for divine enlightenment to open their eyes. You gift us with a higher consciousness of Love, sharing divine revelations of overwhelming beauty.
With you at our side we learn to use our own wings to soar in joy high up over the heavenly prairies, where angelic legions are carrying out your orders to create the premises of a new venue for our souls, where we shall be able to learn the basics of harmony. In the shower of your light we shall gather in gratitude for providing us with the wealth of divine truth and the essentials for the creation of a new dawn.
Beloved Archangel Michael, defeater of the night, touch every single heart with your sword of light!
Love, Margherita
What a joy, a heavenly angelic NEW YEARS MESSAGE!
Sending new years bliss, sword of light bright blazing love to all!

Love and *LIGHT* *BEING*, Teo Do (Re, Mi, Fa, Soul.....)