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Givnology Wellness Arts
May you find yourself in the world…and may you enjoy the company!

Anti-Aging Health and Wellness

Some ideas on Anti-Aging and Nutrition

"You can't turn back the clock on your life. Change happens in the now. What I know for sure is that the discovery of all you were meant to be is continual, if you're open to seeing it.” Oprah Winfrey

True Health

True health requires external nutrition as well as internal. Sensé™ was developed with the knowledge that the skin reflects the state of the body's health and looks its best when all cells in the skin's layers are properly nourished and hydrated. The skin is the last organ to receive nutrients from the body, and the first to show signs of nutritional deficiency, imbalance, or illness.

While some nutrients can be applied topically, others can only be produced from within the body. Therefore, true health requires a synergy of internal and external nutrition, as well as protection from environmental toxins and oxidation damage, which can accelerate sagging and wrinkling.

As Oprah says: "...all you were meant to be is continual..." this reminds me a friend used to say the body is ever renewing itself " a copy machine that makes a better copy each time." So we should be continually reformulating what works best. "Therefore, true health requires a synergy of internal and external nutrition, as well as protection from environmental toxins and oxidation damage..." This quote from the Anti-Aging site linked makes sense too, synergizing internal and external nutrition. I knew that the cocoa butter I apply externally was helping!

And from my musician's viewpoint having a positive outlook and being relaxed I believe to be a great anti-carconigenic. Balancing mental vibrance and proper nutrition, synergistically, that's my health formula.

Comments? Suggestions?

Love and light being, Teo Bounce Bounce

Have the heart of a gypsy, and the dedication of a soldier -Beethoven in Beethoven Lives Upstairs

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