This is a very interesting topic. I do believe that the mind has a tremendous effect on our ability to stay healthy and youthful.
I will give you an example that involves my immediate family.
My parents divorced when I was very young, five years old to be exact.
A few years later my mother married a man 20 years younger than herself. My grandmother was violently opposed to the marriage.
Now 35 years later ,my mother who is almost 70 looks at least 20 years younger, in fact she and her husband are very well matched. My mother is a doctor and works full time, and intends to keep doing so.
Being constantly in touch with people younger than herself has kept her mind and thought active, and I guess she feels psrt of that group.
She and her husband have a wonderful and very loving relationship until this day. I actually envy them.They live in great harmony, even though each parner allows the other total freedom.
My stepfather was my mother's patient and my mother is the one who encouraged her husband to abandon some of his harmful lifestyles and to resume his higher education, where he now holds a very respected position in life.
I know my mother has used a prescription Retin A cream for years. The other products I will not mention because it may not be legal to advertise certain products. She does exercise and meditate daily. But most important she is not aware or bothered by her chronologic age.I don't think that she even thinks about it.
As a matter of fact, we still pass as sisters, and actually I look good for my age as well, or so I have been told.
She has Deepak Chopra's book as well.