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Givnology Wellness Arts
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Reply to "Abigale Circles"

Cat Thank you so much!
Tomorrow will be a week since she's left this plane. There has been only had one day that I haven't broken down & cried this past week.

Her mother was a feral cat who walked in the door one morning as my husband was leaving for work. She came right over to where I was sitting and laid down in between my feet and proceeded to have a litter of kittens.
Our parrot Bobo became very curious right from the beginning and stepped up on my shoulder and watched with great fascination as this event took place. He cheered her on when he felt it appropriate.
It took all day for her to have this litter, 8 hours, an American working shift. I thought this unusual, but every baby was well and there were no difficulties.
Abby was the last one born and almost immediately she began to circle the bunch of them, mother included, hence her name Abby "Circles". I had never seen anything like this! My mother raised pure bred persian's. At one point we had over 300 cats in the cattery. I spent many long nights giving comfort & support to mothers birthing in those far off youthful years. I never saw a kitten do that!
Bless her, she was one of a kind, as we all are, but some lights are so bright you can't help but noticing them! They can not assume a so called "normal" stance.
Abby was special, I decided pretty much from the start to keep her. I also was sold on her brother, (who I thought was a female) & named him Beatrice Animated1 the joke was on me... what a Trixy He turned out to be male and suddenly I needed to have one of them fixed right away, I did him, in truth because it was 50.00 cheaper, and that's what I could do at the time. Had I had her done first I suppose I would have discovered she had the HIV of the feline world.

What was so amazing about this litter was that each kitten was so very different in coloring and length of fur. Bea (2nd born) has distinctive markings, I called him star face at first, he's blue & white, the white is like a star on his face. His fur is longer then a shorthair, but not as long as a persian. Abby, is a perfect tabby, also longer haired, but not as full as a persian, however her tail! This tail was her flag and she knew it! She'd walk around like Peppy Le Pu, the skunk from the cartoons. Just strutting her stuff waving that tail like a flag. That's the image I shall always recall when I think of her. How she could strut!
As it turned out, she was fine almost up to the very end. I was so surprised, I felt so out of the loop when it came to the reality of her leaving. But, I don't blame her, when it's time it's time and if you're ready to go you certainly don't want anyone trying to hold you back, and that's what I would have done I admit. I wanted to see her grow old and would have given ten years of my life to share one more year with her. That's how much.
I never lost a kitten before, maybe that's why I've taken this so hard. She would have been a year old on April 3.
Thanks for being here and allowing me to share my stories & grief. I am certain it is the way it should be.
Bless you all.
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