Sweet friends, I should be packing .... but then just for one moment I HAD to come in...
Yes Lilie this IS amazing and it becomes even MORE amazing with the explanations dear Inda supplied.
Because ..
I actually found the "Unicorn Love" image while searching for an adequate picture to accompany my reply on Eric's latest Tantra essay about the meaning of a moment of no-meaning ... I loved it instantly, but wasn't sure if I could use it for that purpose, so I saved it. You see, my subconscious mind had actually shown the right image but in my ignorance I did not recognize it!
But thanks to you both, now I KNOW. These unicorns are worth a deeper research. I have just read the legend regarding King Arthur ... Well, there is so much to know.
The synchronicities never cease to give me goosebumps.
Sweet ladies, I will not be around much for the rest of this month. But you will be in my heart always. If I get an opportunity to come in, I will.
Otherwise, see you in September.
Enjoy life and each other!
God bless you.
I love you. Margherita

I’m open to love
my heart invites you to dance
come share my delight
senryu by Margherita