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Reply to "A New Pope Has Been Elected"

Evviva Papa Francesco!

Thank you for sharing this important news.


Living in Rome means to follow closely what happens in the Vatican of course. It was a big surprise when Pope Benedict XVI announced his retirement, because it was actually the first time this happened. But with Pope John Paul II and his last years of great suffering in mind, Pope Benedict probably didn't want to end up not being fully efficient in his role. In both cases I must say I admired them, one for resisting and the other for being realistic in taking notice that he couldn't accomplish anymore his tasks to his and the Church's full satisfaction.

I think the Holy Spirit has illuminated the Cardinals in this choice of the new Pope, as he has always been determined to overcome poverty in the world and he renounced to use all the privileges of his role, even using the bicicle or the bus, or the underground when he needed to move in Buenos Aires. So that's not surprising that he chose the name Francis. He will simplify many ceremonies in St. Peter I am sure.

He has already conquered people by his simplicity and his generosity. We are all happy for this choice, as we think that the Catholic Church was in bad need to find back its way to the core and source of its very existence ... Jesus Christ.

I was at St. Peter today, walked all the way from home and back again, 13 km. The town was all blocked because of the Marathon of Rome and the busses didn't circulate ... I must say I was very tired in the end, but also very satisfied to have lived the emotion of being amidst all those people gathered to listen to the first Angelus of Pope Francis, which is a regular appointment on Sunday always at noon.

Pope Francis is of Italian ancestry as so many people who live in Argentina. He speaks Italian fluently, even though every now and then he says some words in Spanish.

May divine blessings shower him and may he be guided from Above in his activity.

All my love to you.

Margherita Smile
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