You are ...
You are my Gregorian chant
when the trees are our cathedral.
You are my Om sound,
when we perform
our very own cosmic dance.
Occasionally, you are my Blues,
when we cross the valleys
of universal sadness.
Mostly, you are my unique
tune of love that stirs my
every fiber to move
through life with grace.
You are my string of existence
that holds every sound
ever emitted in the process
of creation.
You are the divine voice
that resonates within my soul,
hence this irresistible desire
to get under your skin,
to dive into the essence of you.
You are the buzzing
of our Spring meadow
where we inhale
the pure breeze of renovation
that allows us to live in love
and to ascend upon
planes of peace and healing
of whatever dissonance
crept imperceptibly
into our minds.
Now come and sing with me,
over and over again,
our unique tune of harmony.
Then press your lips on mine
and listen to the echoes
roaming through infinity.